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"Présence" 97 x 130 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2016

Why do you paint ? :
The purpose of painting is to bring outside what is inside : the path followed by my own mind seems often erratic and out of grip. Representing what is going on brings some light in the confusion and loosen what is jammed.

"Chimères", 80x80 cm, a/c, 2016

At the origin, there is a fleeing image that goes through my mind, the sudden vision of an arrangement of colors and shapes, whose beauty strikes me for some unknown reason. I try to meet this impression again on the canvas. Just like a perfume in the air triggers forgotten memories that one tries to retrieve.

"Un chemin possible", 162 x 130 cm, a/c, 2015 

Oftentimes, it is one piece of work that leads to the next. For example, my practice of digital art opens new tracks for my painting, whether it brings a different way to look at pictures or frustrations in front of the virtual images on the screen. I often leave my computer with a renewed desire for painting.

"Scattered thoughts", 100 x 120 cm, acrylic on cut-out panel, 2013

There is also the fascination for the tools and gestures of the craft, the quality of linen, the texture and smell of paint, the mixing of colors, the rubbing of brush against the canvas, the fresh morning light in the studio and all those earthly things that are the raw materials of the painter.

"Paysage", 120 x 120 cm, a/c, 2016
"Source", 180 x 240 cm,a/c, 2016
"Le Voyageur", 10m diameter, ceiling of theater in Montauban, 1996
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